Syed Minnatullah Quadri RSS Feed
👋 Greetings (السلام عليكم)! I'm currently pursuing a Master's in Computer Science and Engineering from the Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad. I'm an expert in full stack web development, software development, and graphic design, and I'm comfortable with cybersecurity and AI/ML.
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Mapping of GECA's academic resources
Updated: 5 hours readThis post mean't to index all the links, resources, labs, and notes made for GECA's academics. Here are all the links, categorized subject wise.
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CS3016/02. Program graph theory reductions among clique, vertex cover, and independent set problems.
Updated: 4 hours readTo understand and implement polynomial-time reductions among the Clique, Vertex Cover, and Independent Set problems, which are fundamental in computational complexity and NP-completeness.
CS3016/01. Implement divide-and-conquer algorithms for binary search, merge sort, and quick sort.
Published: 4 hours readTo understand and implement divide-and-conquer algorithms - Binary Search, Merge Sort, and Quick Sort, and analyze their time and space complexities.
CS3014/01. Introduction to ASP.NET Web Framework
Updated: 2 hours readIntroduction to ASP.NET Web Framework, a web framework for building modern web apps and services with .NET.
CSPCC5002. Notes - Machine learning
Updated: 4 hours readThese notes provide a detailed yet concise overview of the topics in Machine Learning as per the syllabus